Saturday, 10 October 2009


Feeling the need to update here despite it being almost a week til Otto's month birthday. Seems like seven months is a funny age because babies leap directly from being six months old to eight months old.

Otto is now starting to crawl :-) not in a proper organised fashion, but with much squirming he can get to his target. This has made him a much happier baby as life has become much less frustrating!

He is really getting into his standing and walking too - he's starting to "cruise" along the furniture. I still think he will be an early-ish walker. The health visitor reckons he will be one-ish, but I think sooner - she thought he was struggling with a saggy middle this week, but actually he was just bobbing up and down with glee at finding someone new in the house when he woke from his nap!

O is definitely saying Daddy now, and occasionally seems to try a mmm sound for Mama. He isn't showing a lot of interest in his baby signing, but it is early days. I thought he would love the classes, but while he quite likes the singing he definitely prefers trying to charm the mothers of the babies on either side of him. He is very much a people person.

Other new developments in his little world have been the first sparks of understanding mirror baby's real identity (very cute, lots of slow hand movements and intent expressions!) and a sudden upturn of his food intake resulting in much more grown up poo - some of which I have managed to catch in the potty to my delight!

He also really loves animals and gets very excited by them. His excitement is very infectious, lots of bouncing up and down, flat handed slapping and urgent "uh uh" noises.

I'm sure I'll be back to add more when he turns eight months, but just wanted to catalogue the big changes taking place at the moment!

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